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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Afresh mottoes from BNW, was Huxley right?

BNW still held the position 56 in the best 100 novels at The Guardian in the UK ranking.

Have a look at current 2015 news, with some MOTTOes from BNW:

1- "A gram of Big Brother VIP edition 2015 is better than a damn."
The greatest good for the greatest number of people, according to Huxley, is to minimize any negative emotions or feelings.
LASt week share of TV mentioned the  23,7% whose choice was eligió Telecinco, 3.463.000 viewrs (21.8 in Catalonia).  
Fulfilling the Prophecy of Brave New World "Community, Identity, Stability" is the motto of Rajoy slogan for November elections. Alast intent on keeping the situation intact. In the stable state, the citizens must be happy with the status quo; not adventurous to imagine a better world (Podemos), and must not think of a worse one (PSOE).
3- " The more stitches the less riches..."
SALES in after Xmas spree: Creating consumption is one of the chief tasks of government because consumption keeps lower castes employed with no time on their hands for disruptive behavior.
 Last, but without doubt not least, a caste society being elitist in itself.

4.  I'm so glad I'm a Beta. Alpha children wear grey. 
As we have not data from the Reign of Spain, we visit a well-known Kingdom:The Alpha, Beta, .... society (BNW 1931)  Was Huxley right?The tone in that dystopia is pretty cold and calculating. The "manufacturing" of people seems perfect, or not?

'Deeply Elitist' UK Is Dominated By Oxbridge And Private Schools

The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, which is a non-departmental government advisory body, said it was deeply concerned about the dramatically elitist society which it said its report had uncovered.
While it acknowledged that many of the most intelligent individuals attend top schools and universities, the commission said that the disproportionate number of privately and Oxbridge-educated people in top jobs suggested a chronic lack of social mobility in the UK, and that those reaching the highest positions were not always doing so through merit. 

clegg and cameron
Of the Cabinet, 59% went to Oxbridge
Around 36% of the Cabinet also went to private schools, compared to only 7% of the public as a whole.A third of all MPs (33%) and 22% of the Shadow Cabinet went to private schools, the report found.The findings for politicians mirrored the wider trend for other influential positions in society.Those who have studied at Oxford or Cambridge make up 75% of senior judges, 50% of diplomats, 44% of public body chairs.The figures are drastically disproportionate with the national average of less than 1%.More than one in three (38%) of members of the House of Lords also went to Oxbridge.People who have studied at private schools also dominate the top jobs. They make up 71% of senior judges, 62% of senior armed forces officers, 53% of senior diplomats, 50% of members of the House of Lords and 44% of the Sunday Times Rich List.Judges are the professional group with the most advantaged educational backgrounds, according to the report.One in seven judges (14%) went to one of just five private schools: Eton, Westminster, Radley, Charterhouse and St Paul’s Boys school.

Areas of the media industry were also revealed to be dominated by the two Oxbridge universities: 47% of newspaper columnists and 33% of BBC executives studied at Oxbridge.

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