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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

wr practice- So embarrassing! OMG, Patrick!

WR_SAMPLE 89. So embarrassing! OMG, Patrick!

I was driving in a traffic jam because I spent an extra hour working in some urgent arrangements at the office, so I probably caught the worst of the rush hour, hectic “come-back-home” time for all the drivers of the city. Felt moody, working overtime today.

Moddy and worn-out! Besides it was Christmas eve and everybody wanted to reach home to have dinner with their families. And there I was, all alone in my old and rusty car, just trying to get to my parents house before they decided to start having dinner without me... again.

The cars were standing still in both directions. I looked over at the car that was level with me going in the opposite direction. My window was opened, so I could see clearly a red and fancy car that was at just four meters from mine and the man who was inside it.

As long as I was getting closer, I started to realize that the man’s face was so familiar to me. Wait a minute! That was Patrick, ain't it? Yes, I’m afraid so. He was my ex high school boyfriend.

Oh my God! What an awkward situation! I haven’t seen him since the day I split up with him (i reckon... ten years and 3 days!), and now he was just there, looking straight at me, and our cars were getting every time much closer.

I didn’t know where to hide or what to do, so I decided to face up the problem and try to be polite and -at least- say “hello”.
So that was what I did, and as soon as I did it, I realized that I’d made a terrible mistake. Because that man wasn’t Patrick!

Look-alike Patrick was a total stranger who now was looking at me with surprise and strangeness! Thanks God the traffic jam started to thin out quickly and I got the chance to drive away from there as fast as I could! Believe me... It was totally embarrassing!

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