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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

005_TEH_ Going native with Neil Stokes: Giulia Valle

005_TEH_ Going native with Neil Stokes: Giulia Valle__

By Efrem Batriu.   18/09/2017

       Q1- Giulia, Julia or Júlia, how does she like to be called?

Q2- How did her musician career begin?was there any musician in her family? 
Q3- Why did she choose to play the double bass? 
Q4- Does Giulia like to say that she composes music?Which word did she use instead of compose? 
Q5- Where did Giulia study music?What is her opinion about classical music teaching method? 
Q6- How does Giulia define jazz music? 
Q7- According to Giulia, what is the best thing that a jazz musician can do in the actual jazz scenario? 
Q8- How did Giulia define her first attempt at music writing? 
Q9- If someone asked Giulia " What are you doing in your life?" what would she answer? What is the meaning of her answer? 
Q10- Nowadays, how does Giulia feel if she is called to play as a side-woman?


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