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Monday, October 29, 2018

schedule for Animal Farm

Animal Farm          has been classified by different literary critics as ...
a short novel,
an allegorical novel,
a novella and even 
a political fable.

working days at class..... on Mondays after the break. 
TWO chapters a week. 

oral OUTCOME: 
35 min classs discussion of chapters

Mon  5th + 7th Nov
 The author:   George Orwell

Study his giant figure and share what you learn about the man

              his timeline here
              BBC documentary  here

Mon  12th Nov
                         chapters 1-2

Mon  19th Nov
                         chapters 3-4

Mon  26th Nov
                         chapters 5-6

Mon  3rd Dec
                         chapters 7-8

Mon  10th Dec
                         chapters 9-10

Written OUTCOMEdeadline 17 December
Write a long article about an aspect of the man/novel that inspired you.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

STEPS to Women in Science: From Blackwell to Noether. "Kinder, Küche und Kirche" -

Pondering about women and science, we are limited by our timeline. Before twitter, who were the first inspiring women in science in the XIX century?

 Those who had to break the mental male barriers.
What women scientists do we have to draw insight and inspiration from? Keep reading ... 

SECTION 1. Women in medical studies

SET 1.1. USA 

In America and many countries of Europe, allowing women to study at university coincided with the pressure applied by the civil women‘s movements on the governments of the individual countries.In 1842, Elizabeth Blackwell enrolled at the Medical Faculty in Geneva in the State of New York, ―inspired from the glowing thought to open the medical career for the world of women‖. After enduring resistance and vehement reactions from the academia, she successfully graduated from the Medical Faculty in 1847.By comparison, the first woman physician in the United States, Elizabeth Blackwell, received her medical license in 1859.
1864: Rebecca Crumpler became the first African-American woman to graduate from a U.S. college with a medical degree and the first and only black woman to obtain the Doctress of Medicine degree from New England Female Medical College in Boston, MA1886: Winifred Edgerton Merrill became the first American woman to earn a PhD in mathematics, which she earned from Columbia University

SET 1.2. Switzerland -Sweden - 

Since 1864, women studied medicine at the University of Zurich and from 1872, in Bern and in Geneva, Switzerland.1875: Stefania Wolicka-Arnd, a Polish woman, became the first woman to earn a PhD in the modern era, which she earned from the University of Zurich in Switzerland1883 Sweden: Ellen Fries, First female Ph.D. promoted.1884 Sweden: First female medical doctor: Karolina Widerström


In 1867, the Russian student Nadežda Prokofjewna Suŝlova attained a doctorate in medicine at the University of Zurich.2 From the 959 female students admitted at the military-medical academy of St. Petersburg from 1872 to 1881, 609, that was 63.5 per cent, finished their medical studies and graduated. 

It was  disproved the most popular objections from opponents of medical studies for women: 
  • like the mental inability of women, because of the ―lighter weight of the woman‘s brain. ―Science and experience would have proved for a long time, that intelligence does not depend on brain mass.
  •  A further argument was the weaker physical strength of women. However, the successful use of female doctors in the American Wars of Secession or the Krim-War in 1877 had proved the opposite.
  • A third argument was the incompatibility of profession and family, which was a weak argument, since female doctors in Russia had shown, that they could manage profession and family. 

SET 2. OTHER COUNTRIES : Spain -Japan - India

  • Dolors Aleu i Riera (1857–1913), first female medical doctor from Spain, 1879. she was finally allowed to take her medical practitioner's examination in 1882.
  • Ogino Ginko entered Juntendo University, which was at that time a private medical academy with an all-male student body. Despite prejudice and much hardship, she graduated in 1882, and after numerous petitions, was finally allowed to take her medical practitioner's examination in 1885.
  •  Kei Okami studied at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, she graduated in 1889,  She thus became the first Japanese woman to obtain a degree in the Western medicine.
  • Kadambini Ganguly (1861–1923), the first Indian woman to obtain a medical degree in India having graduated from the Calcutta Medical College in 1886.

SET 3. GERMAN Lands.

The conservative promises Kinder, Küche, and Kirche (children, kitchen, and church), which would abolish economic exploitation in the workforce.

Women’s entry into medical schools and the medical profession in Germany occurred relatively late in comparison with other European countries and the United States.
To receive medical certification in Prussia until 1899,
It was not until the period between 1900 and 1908 that women across Germany could attend a university. 

SET 3.2. VIENA 1878

In the struggle for higher education of women, the Habsburg Monarchy developed a completely individual ―facet‖. The right for free choice of career and therefore on a choice of study for all citizens, which was assured with Article 18 of the 1867 Constitution, was simply negated. The threatening loss of the civil order by women, who called in their citizen rights, forced educated citizens, to hold an unconstitutional position.
Karl Lemayer, head of a department of the ministry, mentioned ―the social order‖, whose guidance ―would still rest in the male gender‖. If women were to have ―a terrain‖ at the university, it would be impossible to limit it.
With a new decree from the Minister of Education, dated 6 May 1878, the ‗question of women‘s rights‘ was further negated at Austrian universities.

 Strong networks were created by male and female physicians, once medical studies for women were finally allowed. They contributed to the international success of the Viennese Medical School.

SECTION 2. Herren Profesors. 

1. Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm Bischoff (1835-1843)

a passionate university lecturer at Munich Univ. who was vehemently against the idea of women studying medicine because they were "anatomically" inferior. He wrote about his theory down 1872 in a book entitled "The Study and the practising of medicine by women" (Das Studium und die Ausübung der Medicin durch Frauen).

"The laws of divine and natural order reveal "the female sex to be incapable of cultivating knowledge, and this is specially true in the fields of natural sciences and medicine"
2. Eduard Albert

One of the fiercest lobbyists against female medical students was Eduard Albert, a professor of surgery at the University of Vienna. His essay ―Women and Medical Studies‖ (1895) outlined his arguments why women were incapable of studying medicine. The real aim in life of women was ―to have children‖ and ―to weave husbands heavenly roses in their earthly life‖. 

To sum up: 
Patricia Mazón’s Gender and the Modern Research University: The Admission of Women to German Higher Education, 1865-1914: 
"Those professors expended much energy protesting women’s access to higher education, often stressing how studying would negatively affect women’s attractiveness, health, and reproductive development"

SECTION 3. From a class of her own.

Emmy Noether (1882-1935) 

The Greatest Female mathematician
Una mujer llamada Noether_MEDIA_1

German universities rarely accepted female students at the time. She had to beg the faculty at Erlangen to let her audit math courses. It was only after she dominated her exams that the school relented, giving her a degree and letting her pursue graduate studies.

Her work got noticed, and in 1915, the renowned mathematician David Hilbert lobbied for the University of Göttingen to hire her. But other male faculty members blocked the move, with one arguing: "What will our soldiers think when they return to the university and find that they are required to learn at the feet of a woman?" So Hilbert had to take Noether on as a guest lecturer for four years. She wasn't paid, and her lectures were often billed under Hilbert's name. She didn't get a full-time position until 1919.

 Einstein eulogy -1935:
In the realm of algebra, in which the most gifted mathematicians have been busy for centuries, Fraulein Noerther discovered methods which have proved of enormous importance in the development of the present-day younger generation of mathematicians.
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. ...    Her unselfish, significant work over a period of many years was rewarded by he new rulers of Germany with a dismissal, which cost her the means of maintaining her simple life and the opportunity to carry on her mathematical studies.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What to expect: First impressions of Korea.

What to expect: First impressions of Korea.
by Korean Junkies

13 topics covered:

be prepared to get lost - to be rich! – food -          Everything is overly cute - OVER crowded-                 neon lights Shopping - coffee shops obsession - alcohol - strong smells .- technology – traffic - super humid
TASK: Listen to the talk and record a 2-minute talk using the parts you may find interesting 
from the transcript offered below:
ONE -1 
00:21  - So first of all, when you come to Korea be prepared to get lost. Even though it is not difficult to get around the airport after you come out, if you don’t speak Korean
0:32 - all signs are going to be written in some mysterious strange characters that you have no idea what they mean.
0:41  -  In past trips, when I travelled in Europe I was at least able to recognize letters
0:45  - and even figure out some words even if I don’t the language. While in this country you feel just lost when you first arrive.
0:53  - While people are friendly not many can speak English, so might have  a hard time asking for directions. 
ONE -2 
00:59  - You are going to be rich! 10 thousand, 50 thousand. A thousand won is equivalent to
01:05  - 1 dollar, which means you can be a millionaire in Korea fairly easy. 
ONE -3 
1:10 - Then something we can’t live without, food. Korean food is spicy! I mean really spicy, hot.
1:17  - I remember some people I first met were not able to handle their at all. For me, on the one hand, this
1:26  -is heaven as I love spicy food. And basically have none of it back home.
1:34  - On the other hand though, everything is super sweet! You want to buy some white bread?
1:40  -  Be prepared to taste cotton candy sweetness. Want to eat crisps with while having a beer,
1:46  - yet again cotton candy sweetness. You’ll have to either go to a western market or change
2:01    - your eating habits. Oh, and I don’t expect Koreans really use salt either. 
  ONE -4 
2:03   -  Everything is overly cute. Korea is the land of cuteness. Clothes, accessories, shops,
2:10  --restaurants basically everything in must be cute.
2:14  - Crazy K-pop and Korean drama fever. Honestly, I didn’t even hear about such things as
2:21  -K-pop or K-drama before I came to Korea, but believe me you want it or not if you come
2:28  - here you will come across it! There’s K-pop playing everywhere and people will ask you
2:32  -what’s your favorite artist or band, and you will have no idea what they are talking
2:34  - about and you will get really lost and then at the end you will end up at the same circle  as everyone. 
ONE -5 
2:41  - One of the main features of Korea, which you will notice right away after you leave the
2:46  -airport it is crowded. You may and be really mislead because the airport is really quite
2:49  - and pretty empty, however, just wait until you get to the city. It’s so packed it’s
2:57  - basically impossible find yourself being alone for than couple of minutes. At some extent
3:02  - I love this big city atmosphere but at the same time I hate this. 
ONE -6 
3:09  -When the night comes there are going to be a lot of lights! You will see neon lights
3:15  - all over the place. Especially if you go to a more alive areas you will realize that pretty
3:21  - much all of the lower floors have neon signs on them just popping straight towards you
3:27   - and trying to blind you. 
ONE -7             Shopping. The insane obsession Korea has with
3:39  -shopping. You won’t need to go to shopping districts or actually even exist subway station,
3:44  -as you’ll have shopping right there underground subway station. 
ONE -8    
3:51  - Also, coffee shops obsession. For a long time there was no coffee in Korea, so when it came
3:58  - to this country people went a bit nuts. Consequently, even though it is still pretty difficult to
4:04  - buy coffee in a supermarket there more than necessary coffee shops in Korea. Seoul is
4:08 - actually a city with the highest number of Starbucks coffee shops.
ONE - 9 
4:12  - A thing that I did not really expect was that Koreans consume a lot of alcohol. You are
4:18  - going to see drunken Koreans all over the place. And differently from back home, nobody
4:25  - cares about you being drunk here. 
ONE  -  10 
4:29   - One of my main memories from when I came to Korea was the strange mixture of strong smells.
4:34  -There is a restaurant next to a restaurant next to a restaurant, which makes all of the
4:41  -different mix together. And you’re not really used to Korean food, the smell can a bit funny. 
ONE  - 11 
4:48  - The technology. Honestly, I expected Korea to me more technologically advanced, however,
4:57 - there are going to be many things that you will come across will be just astonished.
5:01 - Also, it’s a country of smartphones, so on the subway you will see at least 90% of
5:08 -the people being on their phone. 
ONE -12 
5:10 - The traffic is going to be hectic. Sorry, but Koreans do not know how to drive. Be very
5:16  - careful not get hit when you just come. There are food delivery motorcycles riding on pedestrian
5:22 - paths all the time. 
ONE  -13 
5:24 - Last but not the least, keep in mind that Korea is super humid. Depending where you are coming
5:29  - from it may be really a shocker for you. From me if it’s 25 degrees Celsius back home
5:32  - it is little hot but still great weather where you don’t sweat much. However, if it’s
5:38  - 25 degrees in Korea you are going to sweat a lot. Humidity really makes the weather much
5:46  - more radical. So, the summers are going to be much hotter and the winters are going to   5:51  -be much colder.
5:52 - There are so many more things I could talk about, ridiculously expensive fruits, old
5:56  - Korean people, politeness and so, however, I want to keep this video short so I will
6:01 -
finish now, as I think gotten a pretty good idea of what you can expect.              

Monday, October 22, 2018

EXpats at SEOUL project. -November 2018

SEOUL project. 

 My other self--  Expats and new City life

Ongoing activity this next month
Develop your 4 skills integrating then in a shared environment

 item #1 

 Make groups of TWO/three to visit    SEOUL   

20 TV  22-minute Episodes -AUDIO

Follow the instructions at this ....  WEBquest:

 item #2 

Proposed templates to use as a model:
                  1) with Smore  
                 (edit it with this password: projectseoul)
       2) with self-edition 
      (edit it with this password: projectseoul) 
       3) with  WIX 
      (edit it with this password: projectseoul)  

              4) with 
     (edit it with this password:   2016SEOUL) 

Students Product: -END PRODUCT

 item #3 


As every TEAM finishes their first 5 entries, show them to the teacher

Friday, October 19, 2018

Episode 1 .Semipermanent Seoul. -ANSWER THESE 12 QUESTIONS ON Erik and Tiffany

Episode 1 .Semipermanent  Seoul.   The expat life 

We introduce Erik and Tiffany and discover a little bit about their story and why they are in Korea.


TIFFANY _  6 Questions (1-6)
1-Where does she come from?
2-What does she think about living abroad?
3-Where is her family from?
4-Does she like conventional life?
5-Is she interested in learning Korean language?
6-What did she think of, at the beginning, when she arrives to Seoul?

ERIK __  2 Questions  (7-8)
7-Where’s he from?
8-What about his previous experience in Canada?

THE COUPLE_TIFFANY AND ERIK  __  2 Questions  (9-12)
9-Where did they develop their first beer?
10-What did they decide to do after listening people’s opinion?
11- When did Tiffany and Eric know Hassan?
12-Which was the reason why Tiffany and Eric conclude to share the company with Hassan?

======= 000======  ======= 000======

Erik and Tiffany

Q1. At the beginning of the video. In which terms are Seoul and Korea described? 
Q2. How does Tiffany feel after being in Seoul for a while?
Q3. Why did Tiffany go to Seoul?
Q4. What was Erik’s job in Canada?

Q5. How did Erik and Tiffany start their beer enterprise?