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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Questions at post wsheet62.

LONG QUESTIONS   _                       ================= ANSWERS  ch 5
5.1_What evidence in Animal Farm Chapter 5 indicates that Mollie may not have voluntarily left the farm to live with a new owner?

Mollie never really buys into the principles of Animalism, which makes her a target for expulsion from the farm, or worse. When Clover finds Mollie's stash of ribbons and sugar cubes, Clover presumably tells someone, because Mollie disappears from the farm three days later. In this case the evidence of Mollie's fate lies in the details the novel does not provide, such as whom Clover told or what exactly happened to remove Mollie. As a result the mystery surrounding her disappearance feels ominous. The story circulates that Mollie has been seen in the village, but the pigeons are the only source. No other animals from the farm have seen Mollie themselves, and the pigeons could have been instructed by the pigs to tell this story. It would not be the first or the last time the pigs have manipulated or falsified information given to the animals. Most tellingly, Mollie's disappearance appears in the same chapter that sees Napoleon use his dogs to chase Snowball from the farm. The two exiles bookend the chapter, so the structure of the chapter itself sets up a parallel between them. Given the violent nature of Snowball's expulsion shortly after Mollie's departure, it is not a stretch to imagine Napoleon using his dogs to chase her away or kill her, possibly as part of their training.
5.2_How does Napoleon use the sheep to his advantage as he takes control of the farm in Animal Farm Chapter 5?

The sheep's affinity for chanting the slogan "Four legs good, two legs bad" is well established shortly after Snowball introduces it as an abbreviated version of the Seven Commandments. The propaganda technique of sloganeering appeals to the sheep in particular. The sheep frequently break into chanting at critical moments when Snowball makes speeches, most likely not coincidentally but because Napoleon encourages them in private to do so. It benefits Napoleon to have Snowball's speeches interrupted because Napoleon is not a strong speechmaker himself. When he finally makes his move against Snowball, unleashing the dogs to run him off the farm, the sheep begin chanting their slogan, only adding to the chaos after Snowball flees. The chaos ensures that the other animals will be too confused and disoriented to attempt to defend him or question what has just happened, which guarantees Napoleon's success.
5.3_How does Napoleon change the running of the farm after Snowball's exile in Animal Farm Chapter 5, and how do his changes help secure his position as leader?

Immediately after Napoleon expels Snowball from the farm, he implements a number of changes designed to solidify his total control over the farm's activities. His first act is to end the practice of Sunday morning meetings, which until now have provided a forum for the animals to discuss, debate, and offer input into decisions that affect the farm. Historically the animals' active participation in the decision-making process has been limited, but the elimination of the meetings altogether closes the door to any possible participation from the animals. Instead Napoleon decides the pigs will make all decisions in a special committee that will meet in private, and they will issue their conclusions to the animals afterward. The private meetings close off any opportunity for the animals to participate in the decision-making process. The animals continue to come together on Sunday mornings to receive their orders, salute the flag, and sing "Beasts of England", but the new system effectively shuts off any opportunities for the animals to oppose Napoleon or question his policies.
5.4_How does Squealer smooth over Napoleon's actions after the takeover of the farm in Animal Farm Chapter 5?

As a master of propaganda and public speaking, Squealer puts his skills to work after Snowball is exiled and Napoleon takes over. He relies on his standard strategies, opening by saying Napoleon's assumption of leadership is an act of self-sacrifice for the animals' own good, denying any personal benefits Napoleon may derive from controlling the farm. He questions the animals' ability to make decision for themselves, which is a valid point, but his mention of it also serves to undermine the animals' confidence in their own knowledge and abilities. He undercuts the animals' confidence in their own memories when he declares Snowball a criminal and counters their claims that Snowball was brave in the Battle of the Cowshed by saying Snowball's role has been much exaggerated. Once the animals lose confidence in what they think they know, they are more open to Squealer's version of events. He concludes with his appeal to the animals' fear that Mr. Jones might return to the farm if they don't do as they are told, and as in the past, this statement effectively ends all discussion.
5.5_ Why are the animals so vulnerable to the pigs' manipulation in Animal FarmChapter 5?

Even before the rebellion, the other animals acknowledge the pigs' superior cleverness, so they initially allow the pigs to take charge of the farm's management. Although the other animals have a limited ability to read and write, they also choose to participate only minimally in the Sunday meetings and debates. They do not ask questions when the pigs take any sort of action. Because the animals do not make a point of actively participating in their own governance after the rebellion, they too often learn what is really happening around them only after it is too late to protest or change what is going on. While it is possible the pigs would find other ways to suppress the animals' questions and preferences, the animals' lack of engagement and resistance makes the pigs' job of manipulating the situation much easier.

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                             == ANSWERS  ch 6

6.1_ What evidence appears in Animal Farm Chapter 6 to indicate the animals are actually working harder for less food?

The amount of labor required to build the windmill is huge. It often takes a whole day just to get a boulder into position to drop it into the quarry and break it apart into useful building stone, and often the drop does not crack the boulder, requiring the animals to repeat the whole process. The animals believe they are saving labor in other areas because they no longer have to maintain fences and their weeding processes are more thorough, but the elimination of these activities hardly balances the labor involved in the large construction project. Furthermore the construction of the windmill has eaten into farming time, so crop yields are lower, resulting in smaller stores of food. However, the animals ignore these realities. After all, they are working for the common good, and they think any shortcomings in their current situation are mitigated by the fact that they do not have to answer to humans.

6.2_ What case can be made that the decision to trade with other farms in Animal Farm Chapter 6 actually violates the Seven Commandments?

When the pigs announce the decision to engage in trade with the human owners of other farms, the animals hesitate to accept this decision. Squealer assures the animals that no resolutions to avoid trade with humans or to avoid using money were ever passed, taking advantage of the animals' poor memories again. Technically Squealer is correct in that the Seven Commandments contain no explicit limitations on trade or the use of money, but the act of trading with humans does undermine the principle that anything that walks on two legs is an enemy. Furthermore the first items slated for trade with the other farms are the hens' eggs. When Old Major outlined his vision for the animals' free future, he specifically cited the hens' loss of eggs, which could have become offspring, as a gross violation the humans inflicted upon the hens. Now the pigs, encouraging the hens to make a sacrifice for the good of the farm, are committing that very offense.

6.3_  After the rebellion how has the humans' relationship with the farm changed in Animal Farm Chapter 6?

Even though the humans have decided to do business with the animals and refer to the farm by its new name, Animal Farm, they continue to wish it ill. In fact the humans hate the farm even more now that it appears to be prospering, because they are even more fearful that their own animals will be inspired to rebel. Likewise the humans want the windmill to fail for the same reasons. Any success at Animal Farm represents a threat to their own farms. However, their willingness to trade with the farm speaks to the depth of the humans' own self-interest. Business and the opportunity to profit still trump any personal reservations the humans have about Animal Farm.
6.4_ How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon in Animal Farm Chapter 6?

When the windmill collapses, Napoleon has a few options for placing blame. He can blame the weather, which is the most likely cause of the collapse, but the animals may be demoralized and reluctant to rebuild if they believe they are working against forces of nature. He can blame the design or quality of construction—other likely factors—but that would place himself and the pigs in line for criticism, which would undermine their position of power. The animals know the humans wish the project to fail, but if Napoleon blames the humans for sabotaging the windmill he kills the opportunity to trade with them. Snowball makes an appealing scapegoat because making him into a villain only solidifies Napoleon's own support, and Snowball's participation in the alleged sabotage is impossible to disprove. Issuing the directive to bring Snowball to justice also serves Napoleon's purposes because if Snowball is still in the area, this directive provides a chance to eliminate him permanently. Lastly, using Snowball as a scapegoat offers a propaganda opportunity. He can been presented as an external threat like Mr. Jones that the pigs can unite the other animals against to preserve their own power.

6.5_ Why does Napoleon offer a greater reward if Snowball is captured alive in Animal Farm Chapter 6?

After Snowball is blamed for sabotaging the windmill, Napoleon offers the honor of Animal Hero, Second Class and a half bushel of apples to the animal who kills Snowball. Then, in a chilling turn, he offers a full bushel of apples to any animal who brings in Snowball alive. Of course, there is a slim chance the animals will find, capture, or kill Snowball at all. At the same time, Napoleon's edict and offers indicate that his interest in finding Snowball is personal. Perhaps he would rather have Snowball alive so he can make Snowball suffer and inflict the suffering himself. Alternatively, he could be trying to show a benevolent side of himself to the animals. Mostly, though, a sadistic and vindictive side of Napoleon's personality shows itself here, indicating that some of his cruelty may not be simply about self-interest. He may also like inflicting it.

Wsheet 63. Animal farm session3

              Chapters  5-6                       to get started .... Chapter 5-6 Quick Quizzes

Chapter 5 Summary and Analysis

      TASK.  Watch the video and Write a Twitter message on this chapter.

Long   Q_ Chapter 5 to be discussed in groups
5.1_What evidence indicates that Mollie may not have voluntarily left the farm to live with  a new owner?
5.2_How does Napoleon use the sheep to his advantage as he takes control of the farm?
5.3_How does Napoleon change the running of the farm after Snowball's exile, and how  do his changes help secure his position as leader?
5.4_How does Squealer smooth over Napoleon's actions after the takeover of the farm?
5.5_ Why are the animals so vulnerable to the pigs' manipulation?

Second part

Chapter 6 Summary and Analysis 

     TASK.  Watch the video and Write a Twitter message on this chapter.

Long   Q_ Chapter 6 to be discussed in groups
6.1_ What evidence appears to indicate the animals are actually working harder for less  food?
6.2_ What case can be made that the decision to trade with other farms actually violates the Seven Commandments?
6.3_  After the rebellion how has the humans' relationship with the farm changed?
6.4_ How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon?
 6.5_ Why does Napoleon offer a greater reward if Snowball is captured alive?

Finally, colorado Springs airfield.

Cool! A pleasure to fly like that! Thumbs up for the cabin crew!

Si usted decide bajarse, no podrĆ” volver a subirse, y los paracaĆ­das no estĆ”n incluidos en el ticket. En esta aerolĆ­nea, nos gusta estar en sintonĆ­a con las Ćŗltimas tendencias de la moda, y en el caso de que este vuelo se transforme en un crucero, todos ustedes tendrĆ”n la suerte de calzarse, menos una parte pequeƱƭsima, y no van a tener cocos. Solo que no es ni pequeƱa ni adorable. 
Una vez fuera de la nave, tire de la cuerda roja que estĆ” delante, o para los que aman complicarse la vida, pueden usar ese pico rojo cerca del hombro para chuparlo... Quiero decir, inflarlo. 
El hermoso bikini tambiĆ©n tiene una luz que se activa con el agua, pero no tengo idea de cĆ³mo funciona. Si ustedes lo descubren, no duden en explicĆ”rmelo, por favor. Y en el caso de que no llegue a inflarse, bueno... agĆ”rrense de su vecino e imploren por sus vidas. PodrĆ”n encontrar informaciĆ³n sobre los chalecos salvavidas para su hijo, el que mĆ”s promete, en la cartilla de seguridad. 
Si la cabina llegara a despresurizarse, caerĆ”n mĆ”scaras de oxĆ­geno del compartimento frente a ustedes. IgnĆ³relos y agarre al asistente de vuelo mĆ”s cercano a usted. Es solo un chiste, me siento tan solo... 
Una vez que deje de gritar, ponga esa mĆ”scara sobre su nariz y boca. Para ajustar, tire de las correas elĆ”sticas a los costados. AsegĆŗrese de fijar su propia mĆ”scara antes de asistir a su hijo preferido, o a otros pasajeros, o a su marido, que seguramente estarĆ” gritando mĆ”s fuerte que usted. 
Y, seamos honestos, solo aquellos que pagaron los 49,99 extra van a recibir algo de oxĆ­geno. En esta nave estĆ” prohibido encender cualquier tipo de cigarrillo a menos que, al igual que yo, estĆ©n tan calientes que enciendan todo a su paso. Muchas gracias por su atenciĆ³n, y disfruten de su vuelo a Colorado Springs. Y, para todos los que no nos prestaron toda la atenciĆ³n... 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Learning and leaps of faith -beyond realms of mindpower

The hard truth about learning a language... 

It comes without a users manual. All you need is a DIY set.
Face it. It is something you must do by yourself.

EXPLAIN in your own words the statement below:

To quote an unnamed source:
  • Ordinary methods in the teaching field have proven useless at best, and the most honest account is to say that when it works, we must assume the methods had to be asssessed as unnecessary ...

From a learner's log:
What English did I learnt last week? A learning experience is not what passively happens to me; it is what I DO with what happens to me.

Read the quotes below about knowledge and learning and select 2-3 to disccuss with your partner
  • “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
  • Learning facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored
  • “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
  • "I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt. - Patrick White
  • Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.

To use quotes properly, read Ms Holland info

 Speaking a new language involves learning to think and process a new set of notions (identity?)  as when the maharaja od limerick

In his notorious 1835 Minute on Education, Lord Macaulay articulated the classic reason for teaching English, but only to a small minority of Indians: “We must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.”

To quote an unnamed source:
Ordinary methods in this field have proven  useless at best, and  the most hones account is to say that when it works, then the methods had to be asssessed as unnecessary ...

yout in CS those 60s 70s 80s

Morcillo el Bellaco y Los RĆ­tmicos

Juan Antonio Morcillo [aka Morcillo] (vocals), Juan Carlos TomĆ”s[aka Juanki] (guitar), Pedro LĆ³pez (bass), JosĆ© Ɓngel Leiros(guitar), JosĆ© Luis Lorente "El Chino" (drums), Josan Arrebola(drums), Daniel Silvestre (drums)
Related Artists
CapitĆ”n M, Dr. Diente, Los Molestos, Morcillo y Los RangersLos MorcillosLos Romeos

Los Romeos

Los Romeos formed in CastellĆ³n in 1988 when Pedro LĆ³pez Moreno, Juan Carlos "Juanki" TomĆ”s and Jose Ɓngel Leiros, all members of the disbanded Morcillo el Bellaco y Los RĆ­tmicos, joined the flamboyant and stylish singer Patricia FernĆ”ndez Escoin to create a new group. Influenced by female-fronted bands like Blondie and Transvision Vamp, they released their first single, "MuĆ©rdeme" ("Bite Me"), in 1990 and achieved great success with the Spanish public before the release of their self-titled first album, Los Romeos, through the Spanish record label Hispavox.
The album collected "MuĆ©rdeme" with "Mi vida rosa" ("My Wonderful Life"), "Un poquito de amor" ("A Little Bit of Love") and "El mundo a tus pies" ("The World at Your Feet"), a re-worked cover of "Sunday Girl" by Blondie. 
Two years later they released their second album, Sangre caliente (Hot Blood), which supplied two singles, "AraƱas mi piel" ("You Scratch My Skin") and "Cuando llega mi amor" ("When My Love Is Here"). 
In 1996, they released their third and final album, Sin conexiĆ³n (Unconnected), but it was badly promoted by their new record label, Magna Music, and sales were very poor. Soon afterwards, the band broke up. At present, Patrizia Escoin is part of the three-piece Lula.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Brainteaser- Touring turing test

Wsheet. HAL 2001

Altough there had been several claims (like this one below) that the Turing test is not the best way to test a computer's intelligence, Turing test remains the most popular practice.

BBC –June 2014   
                ComputerAI passes Turing test in 'world first'
A computer program called Eugene Goostman, which simulates a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy, is said to have passed the Turing test at an event organised by the University of Reading.
  • The test investigates whether people can detect if they are talking to machines or humans.
  • The experiment is based on Alan Turing's question-and-answer game Can Machines Think?

   wanna play a game??    i show u 3 quotes        from the 3... at least one is Woman-born.  
Perhaps  some  corrrrekt    Or  ALL  3  arrrr’  wrrrong          we play 3 rounds. 

we play 3 rounds. 
      YOU must wrrrite:  
                     exemple  2. Woman-born   3. bot The dice is cast!
                      careful to chose the human ones.
                   Ready,s teady, go

To comment on results... Do not worry,  fall is a season to fail ....tests.Poor, pityful humans as old as a stale, rotten apple.....       Adam and Eve and their fall!!!! 
not bad human answer....   1 corrrrekt   2 wrrrong  Stunning  human answer....   2 corrrrekt   1 wrrrong Great answer.... you must be another bot.... All 3  corrrrekt

Monday, November 19, 2018

Anarchy of Science - Free radicals

Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science

                  By Michael Brooks

Short Stories from Modern Science

Michael Brooks, who holds a PhD in quantum physics from the University of Sussex, is an author, journalist and broadcaster. He is a consultant at New Scientist

Visit the Free Radicals 2011-12 blog

Brooks asks an impertinent question: is science really as dull as most people seem to think? 
The answer, it turns out, is a resounding no...

AND   TWO reviews: 

   the Independent one here

These days science is either nothing or it's the new religion. But, as both these books show in their different ways, the practice of science inhabits the broad territory between these extremes and exhibits the full Monty of human behaviour. Science is the most reliable form of knowledge we have but it is arrived at by unreliable means. Cutting-edge research deals with the unknown unknowns, as the unwitting philosopher of science Donald Rumsfeld put it, and there is no formula or methodology for achieving that.Michael Brooks is the canniest science writer currently plying his trade. Whereas others merely translate the discoveries of science into hopefully understandable language, Brooks writes, above all, with attitude. (...) 
In Free Radicals, every case history involves scientists succeeding by breaking the rules by which people imagine science to be bound. Brooks characterises the scientific process as anarchy, stressing the wildness of some scientists, their drug-taking, their vicious rivalries, their sometimes economy with the evidence. This may seem a bit over-the-top but it is a welcome corrective to the dutiful obeisance science sometimes evokes.

                     AND   the  other review here

TASK 1  . 

READ about  Werner Forssmann: a pioneer of cardiology. ... 

Forssmann's self-experiment pushed the boundaries of medicine into a new era and opened the door of modern cardiology. 
This historical study depicts Forssmann's life narrative and the forces, political and personal as well, that shaped his personality. His upbringing in Berlin, his career as a physician, the self-experiment, and his life forward. 

TASK 2.  Debate 5 min on Science and ethics 
                 after reading little passage below.
  • Tuskegee syphylis study  (1932-72)   page (117)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Animal farm session 2 - Ch 3 and 4

====== step 1== ====

                         QUESTION 1.-- to get started .... 

 Chapter 3-4 Quick Quizzes

QUESTION 2.---- Describe the irony of the line "All men are enemies. All animals are comrades"

QUESTION 3.----  What two things convince the animals of the truth of Squealer’s pronouncements?

QUESTION 4.----  Describe the situation on Animal Far, as it exists during the idealistic days following the revolution?

QUESTION 5.----  what is beast of england?

QUESTION 6.---- What role does the written word play in Animal Farm?

=== step 2== 

WATCH  these 3 short  VIDEOS from CourseHero

Chapter 3 Summary and Analysis

  1. What is different about this year’s harvest?
  2. What does Boxer adopt as his motto?
  3. What do the animals do on Sundays?
  4. Do Snowball and Napoleon get along?
  5. Why don’t any animals except pigs submit resolutions for debate?
  6. What does Snowball want to focus on at the farm?
  7. What does Napoleon want to focus on?
  8. What happens to Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies?
  9. What has been happening to the milk?
  10. What does Squealer explain about the milk and apples?
(3)  answers

====== step 3== ====
Chapter 4 Summary and Analysis

  1. How do Snowball and Napoleon send word of the rebellion to other animals?
  2. Who is Mr. Pilkington?
  3. Who is Mr. Frederick?
  4. What rumors spread about Animal Farm?
  5. What has Snowball been doing to prepare for Jones’s return?
  6. How is Snowball injured?
  7. Why is Boxer upset after the battle?
  8. Where was Mollie during the battle?
  9. What do the animals name the battle?
  10. What awards do the animals create?
(ch 4) answers

=============== step 4== =================

 =========  ch 3 answers

  1. This year the animals have the largest harvest yet, and they also finish it faster than normal.
  2. Boxer adopts “I will work harder!” as his personal motto.
  3. On Sundays, the animals don’t work and instead hold farm-wide meetings to debate and vote on new resolutions.
  4. Snowball and Napoleon disagree on almost everything.
  5. Only the pigs are smart enough to come up with new resolutions.
  6. Snowball wants to focus on educating the animals and putting them into committees.
  7. Napoleon thinks the pigs should focus on the education of the young.
  8. Napoleon takes Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies up to a secret loft, and everyone soon forgets about them.
  9. It is revealed that the milk is being mixed in with the pigs’ mash.
  10. Squealer explains that the pigs need the vitamins in the milk and apples to continue being the brainworkers of the farm.

============ ch 4 answers

  1. Snowball and Napoleon send out pigeons to other farms to try to encourage further rebellion.
  2. Mr. Pilkington is an easygoing farmer who owns neighboring Foxwood Farm.
  3. Mr. Frederick is the owner of Pinchfield Farm and is known for being tough and shrewd.
  4. Rumors spread among the humans that the animals on Animal Farm are starving and practicing cannibalism and torture.
  5. Snowball has been studying the battle tactics of Julius Caesar to prepare to fight off Jones.
  6. Snowball is injured when a shot grazes his back as he charges Mr. Jones.
  7. Boxer kicks a young farmhand in the head and stuns him. Thinking that he killed the boy, Boxer feels extremely guilty.
  8. Mollie fled when she heard the guns go off and was found hiding in the barn.
  9. The battle is named the “Battle of Cowshed.”
  10. The animals create “Animal Hero, First Class” and “Animal Hero, Second Class.”