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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pedid y se os darà-lecturatodolocura con stones

                                   ENIGMES DE LA PETITA HISTÒIRA.... (ENTRY)

stone1: Per als appasssionnatts de a veritat, històries de carn, identitats i  i ghost writers....

 Pedid y se os darà....
risen from modest means to become one of history’s ghostest writers?

  1. Ja va dir algú que Shaksper no va escriure poemes ni teatre,...  i les teories  d'un que de feina del seu pater  era facedor de guants, sense estudis potser ...
  1. algun altre que Marco polo no va anar allà ... i les teories d'un corpus textual sense origen Urtext
  1. la identitat de Columbus -aka Cristoffa Corombo  ...  i les wikipedias-teories dixit (funny stuff -in wikis veritas!d'un navegador excel.lent cuius pare era teixedor de llana
Què època el 1500s. Pels que sabeu que ....
el subdit del rei d'España, Magallanes. ens va portar a la circumnavigació del món i oblidem que la priemra persona a fer la volta al món no ens surt al  llibre d'història.


stone 2: Leed malditos, lecturatodolocura. 

Sigau feiners en temps de coronacrisis al renaixement, i les vides monàquiques són uns rius que van a donar al mar dels llibres d'històries....amb matrimonis "estratégicos como reinas por rastrojo".  es van acabar els Avis, els Tudor, els Trastamara, Jagellonski,  qual romance medieval en roman paladino.
Agora que sé, ay, rosa;
que de ayer acá no vivo,
mi reino tengo perdido!».
¡ay, dios, qué grave cosa!

stone 3: Per als appasssionnatts de a veritat, històries de carn, identitats i  i ghost writers....

  • Avido de fama, el italiano Antonio Pigafetta, glamourós ell, s'aplica a escriure al diari que tothom a llegit ... i se'ns ha oblidat recordar que ros un criat oriental d'un país de l'asiàtic sud-est,  que es va embarcar a Sevilla procedent de Lisboa després de ser portat de  ls Moluques.  Rodando espero, el cuplé que yo más quiero.

  •  en l'expedició comandada per Magallanes (poc en sabem abans 1517). Quan els  criats a occident van arribar a les illes algecires MalukuJazirat al-Muluk (Illes desl reis) al deixar l'espedició,  hi havia el Per aspera ad astra-3 solar system - codename EARTH, encara qeu sigui un planta blau.

  • 1520's ja circumnavegat aquest planeta Meravellas. el que podia fer España enterprises, Inc. amb 8.346.379 maravedíes. Bona inversió... en  plata i en espècies.  Emperador Carles single i no cèlibe, podía elegir….
  • Aut Caesar aut nihilse casa con Isabel de Portugal amb Lluis vives com a tutor i una dot dote a exorbitante en  quantia de 900 mil cruzados portugueses, o doblones as castellans.
  • Casa con su prima hermana Isabella –portuguesa- 1526,  23 años més jove que ll de 3. Quin stressss per ella que tenia a l’escut el motto Aut Caesar aut nihil

En un dels tres trossos favorits;

  •  quan al "Cabo de las Once Mil Vírgenes" - que tenen al cap els batejadors de geofraghies!! a finals octubre 1520 - la nau  Concepción torna a Siviglia.  

  • el 27 de novembre ep nom l'encrespada, choppy, mass gran del planeta blau i li cau a sobre el nom de Pacífico.

les estories peguen voltes i voltes i es fan graaaaaans. I likes que rebria avui en la Brexit society Sir Francis Drake, aka poco amigo de Felipe, amb el motto del seu escut d'armes "Tu primus cincumdedisti me"    -

- like a rolling stone (que copiones Jagger  i cia.)
Feina  incloure la traducció del Cognom  à la Omar Khayyam ,           poeta persa, que es traduiex per el hacedor de Jaimas

Monday, March 30, 2020



                 (Alan Weisman in The World Without Us)

Listen to the first 8 min of the talk and TAKE Notes
Produce a 200-word composition

Author Alan Weisman has a knack for the dramatic. In The World Without Us, subways are flooded, bridges crumble into the sea and wildlife reigns supreme once the world is relieved of pesky humans.
Despite the massive environmental destruction he’s witnessed firsthand, Weisman remains hopeful.  

More and more, every story becomes an environmental story, 
         Alan Weisman -May 2008 
To discuss the topic...
               go to previous post:



His next book on amazon

Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?

was released in September 2013 by Little, Brown and Co.

Weisman visits an extraordinary range of the world's cultures, religions, nationalities, tribes, and political systems to learn what in their beliefs, histories, liturgies, or current circumstances might suggest that sometimes it's in their own best interest to limit their growth. The result is a landmark work of reporting: devastating, urgent, and, ultimately, deeply hopeful.
By vividly detailing the burgeoning effects of our cumulative presence, Countdown reveals what may be the fastest, most acceptable, practical, and affordable way of returning our planet and our presence on it to balance. Weisman again shows that he is one of the most provocative journalists at work today, with a book whose message is so compelling that it will change how we see our lives and our destiny.

For a gloomy learning on our future history...

TEDx Talks by 2014

Sitka Symposium Faculty

watch the 3rd contribution:
Alan Wiseman talks about
 history’s most influential invention - the Haber-Bosch process -
and how we can solve the mess it made.

Emotions - Chris Britcher yearns for his prince with pent-up emotions

When we deal with emotions, a fandom universe offers a great deal of stuff. 

On May 16, 2011, a tweet from a reliable source in the world of Prince announced the US star was going to play in Kent that July. Within a few hours, the tweet had been removed and a wall of silence erected. Organisers at the show promised nothing other than an an¬ nouncement a few days later. Fans held their breath. Could the diminutive musical genius really be heading to our county?
 source: Kent on Sunday newspaper

TASK1. Read aloud the text below with 38 collocations/chunks in bold. Study them.
 TASK2. Select 15 expressions and use them in  a monologue where you sympathise with him. Then, Record yourself.

Today, Prince!

Have you thought now, now, there's no need to shed tears 
    Prince @ Hop Farm Festival 2011
  • a terrible thing that Chris could not shed a tear for him; 
  • a more terrible thing that he could shed a tear for him.

Why it’s hard not to shed a tear over the death of Prince by Ch. Britcher

A life-long fan of the late legend reflects on why his passing leaves a mighty hole (even if he is 40-odd years old)
April 24, 2016

Once in a while, the planets align and someone you have never met and whom you will never know personally, enters your life and stubbornly refuses to leave. I was just 11 when I fell under the spell of Prince in 1984. A move away from my friends as my family shifted from Tunbridge Wells to Ashford, meant I took solace in the weird world of pop music. 
He was like nothing I had ever seen before; as if he were human mixed with something alien.
I played the Purple Rain album until the grooves of the vinyl started turning grey. Let’s Go Crazy was - and remains - the only song I have never, ever tired of; capable of picking me up when I am down and my all time favourite as a consequence. It wasn’t his best musical offering, but it exerted a power over me nothing else could.As I grew a little older, so his music became my guide into another world. And, should you have listened to some of his earlier material, it certainly left little to the imagination. He blurred lines and barriers, swore and spoke of acts I had to consult the dictionary to define. He was intoxicating. And he just kept getting better.When he released Sign O‘ The Times - surely his defining single piece of work - I was 14 and needed more. An agonising few hours spent on the phone and I had tickets to a Wembley Stadium show in the summer of 1987. I was ecstatic. "Wear something peach or black", it said on the ticket. My mother obliged...the peach shirt was ready. I bored people at school to death about it. But just weeks before the show took place he cancelled. 
I was devastated. I must admit I blubbed like a spoilt child.I never cried again about Prince until this week.
The following year, promoting his Lovesexy album (where he perched naked on the album sleeve), I finally went to see him live at Wembley Arena. It would be a defining moment. From 1988 I would attend at least one show on every subsequent UK tour. Watching him perform was like nothing else.... He danced and sang, played the guitar, the piano, the drums and everything in between. He climbed on beds that would swing out above the crowd, drove around the stage in a full-size car, and then after all that head off to a small venue for another long show stretching into the small hours. He was relentless. And I loved every single minute. 
Granted, his musical output would start to decline in quality from the mid-1990s onwards, but there was always something about every subsequent release which made him worth it.He and I got older together. Him in the luxury I continued to keep him in. Me in the slightly less well off state had I not just splurged yet more money on his concert tickets. He was a constant. A physical link transporting me from that 11-year-old to the 40-something I am now.I stopped boring everyone about him long ago - there is surely nothing worse than a proper grown-up with an obsession about a pop star - but my devotion never died. He did things and said things which I didn’t agree with and I came to the conclusion that it probably best to distance the man from the music.But he kept the real man so hidden beneath the carefully constructed public persona I was able to focus on that. I liked the fact he rarely gave interviews, liked the fact he always looked like the perfectly groomed superstar that he was. I could focus on that and the music even when he was doing daft things like threatening fans with legal action for having a photograph of him on their website.His music still had the power to move me and his live shows were, without exception, the most thrilling events I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing.While others played golf, or obsessed about films, or pottered around with cars, I had Prince.It’s a cliché to say when one of your heroes dies a little part of you goes with them. But with Prince goes a chunk of my life that I clung to like a rock. He became a hobby and a hero in one. No more will the panic button be hit when tickets for his shows are about to go on sale. No more will my cousin and I - my partner in crime when it came to our mutual devotion to Prince - have glorious, unforgettable, days out to see him. And that in itself is an agony. 
On the day he died I could not bring myself to listen to his music. Nor could I fully comprehend the headlines on the rolling news channels. I couldn’t, pathetically, even see how people at this stage could already be ‘celebrating’ his life. That must surely come later. Now the pain is too raw.
As I drove my kids into school the morning after, Purple Rain came on the radio. The car fell silent and, embarassingly, tears streamed down my face. And I’ve always mocked people who are so moved by the death of celebrities they never knew. It was a sobering moment. 
Prince is gone. But his place in my life will never be forgotten. As silly as I know that is.

WR_ My confessions. ... over the death of Prince by Ch. Britcher

The shedding of tears is a sign of a broken heart. 

Therefore, before tears can flow from the eyes, they must first flow from the heart. 

Have a look at our 2 messages:
The picture from the King David (Psalms)

Now, the reflections of our French modern writer,   ... Montagne for us (a.k.a.)           Michel Eychem de  Montaigne, the philosophe of modern life                    

 King of Egypt, being defeated and taken prisoner by Cambyses, King of Persia, seeing his own daughter pass by him as prisoner, and in a wretched habit, with a bucket to draw water, though his friends about him were so concerned as to break out into tears and lamentations, yet he himself remained unmoved, without uttering a word, his eyes fixed upon the ground; and seeing, moreover, his son immediately after led to execution, still maintained the same countenance; ... 
till spying at last one of his domestic and familiar friends dragged away amongst the captives, he fell to tearing his hair and beating his breast, with all the other extravagances of extreme sorrow.   (Michel de Montaigne - Essays -Ch. 2)

The tears are symbolic and unattainable......
             BUT  What do tears mean to you?

From our previous post, .... 
WR_ My confessions.   
... over the death of our Prince by Ch. Britcher

1.    Once in a while,  enters your life and stubbornly refuses to leave.
2.    A move away from my friends ... meant I took solace in the weird world of pop music.
3.    if he were human mixed with something alien.
4.    I played xxxx until the grooves of the vinyl started turning grey.
5.    xxxx - the only song I have never, ever tired of; capable of picking me up when I am down and my all time favourite as a consequence. 6.    exerted a power over me nothing else could.
7.    his music became my guide into another world. A
8.    should you have listened to some of his earlier material, it certainly ...

     SET2   1.    intoxicating. And he just kept getting better.
2.    agonising few hours spent on the phone and I had tickets to I was ecstatic. 
3.    I bored people at school to death about it.  
4.    admit I blubbed like a spoilt child.
5.    I never cried again about Prince until this week.
6.    Watching him perform was like nothing else....
7.    He was relentless. And I loved every single minute.
1.    Granted, but there was always something which made him worth it.  
2.    had I not just splurged yet more money on his concert tickets. 
3.    He was a constant. A physical link transporting me  
4.    nothing worse than a proper grown-up with an obsession about a pop star said things which I didn’t agree with  
5.    I liked the fact he rarely gave interviews,
6.    even when he was doing daft things like threatening fans  
7.    his live shows were, without exception, the most thrilling events I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

1.    It’s a cliché to say with Prince goes a chunk of my life that I clung to like a rock. 
2.    No more will the panic button be hit when ....
3.    No more will my cousin and I - my partner in crime 
4.    On the day he died I could not bring myself to listen to his music.
5.    That must surely come later. Now the pain is too raw.
6.    embarassingly,  tears streamed down my face.
7.    It was a sobering moment.
8.    his place in my life will never be forgotten. As silly as I know that is.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

ALTE levels CEF ... so eoi tests everything everywhere

 Follow the 4 BITS  to decode the acronyms. 

BIT 1.
EOI's tests in Catalonia range 

 5th =B2+  

Don't be fooled by your intuition. Be natural, test yourself.

To practise you may go to any of these links, and in so doing you may be ready for your forthcoming tests.

BIT 2.
For the test freaky you are...

2.1. DO not miss some other 12 links in SPAIN  CLICK >>   __EEOOII

 (courtesy ... EOI Madrid-Villaverde)         

2.2. Explore them -SELECTED 3:

  • EOI Santander with samples of oral / wrtiten production                         
  • EOI Balears .... an old time fav!               

2.3. our contibution: 

Catalonia's xtec  page:  mostres 

 BIT 3.
ALTE now establishes a six-level framework of language examination standards.

The following table compares 
the ALTE levels with the CEF levels and EFL exams:
Level 5C2CPE7.5+910+276+
Level 4C1CAE6.5 - 7701 - 910236 - 275
Level 3B2FCE5 - 6541 - 700176 - 235
Level 2B1PET3.5 - 4.5381 - 540126 - 175
Level 1A2KET3246 - 38096 - 125


The Common European Framework divides learners into 
three broad divisions which 
can be divided into six levels:
A Basic User
A1 Breakthrough
A2 Waystage
B Independent User
B1 Threshold
B2 Vantage
C Proficient User
C1 Effective Operational Proficiency
C2 Mastery

  BIT  4.

Spoken performance illustrating the levels of the CEFR 

One of the aims of the Common European Framework of Reference is to provide guidelines  so that both learners and teachers know what knowledge and skills should be expected in each level of the language so speakers can act effectively.

Each individual language user has to develop a number of communicative language competences, ranging from the most general to the most particular.
Generally speaking, productive skills are the ones that take longest to master and, quite frequently, both learners and teachers ask for some guidance as to what sort of spoken production to be expected in each of the levels of the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). With that in mind, the CIEP (a national public institution in France reputed for their expert evaluation as well as training assessment) prepared a DVD illustrating the spoken performances of the six levels of the CEFRL which are now available online.
Users of Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and Safari can sometimes experience some difficulty when trying to view those videos in the CIEP website, though they usually work correctly in Internet Explorer. In an attemtp to lend a helping hand to those who cannot make the videos run in their browser, I have prepared a tutorial (see here) showing how to view them on your own Windows Media Player (so no matter which browser you use or which plug-ins you have installed, your WMPlayer will most likely be updated to play its most 'native' format ".wmv").
on the web page
you can find the URLs you can use to display the videos in your Windows Media Player.

 BIT 4.  two last  English options

When can any learner take the FCE test?The FCE test can be taken most months in either paper-based or computer-based format. The paper-based test can be taken in March, May, June, August and December. The computer-based test can be taken in February, April, July, August and November. Not all test centres will administer both types of test.
How much does it cost to take FCE?Fees are set by test centres. Expect to pay over €200 euros.