THREE spies 1940-2010
1. Humam al-Balawi
2. Kim Philby
3 3. Chapman
Do it from The Top Ten,
Ah, SURPRISE for Alaric, the numero uno.
read BBC report at the end
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Alaric and ENIGMA |
1. Humam al-Balawi
The triple agent who conducted the deadliest attack on the CIA in Afghanistan.
Not everyone who claims to be your friend is actually your friend,and the CIA learned this lesson, the hard way! Humam al-Balawiwas studying medicine in Istanbul, Turkey, when a localintelligence agency found him leaning towards extremists. He wascaptured and the CIA took over his case. They offered him tobecome a double agent for them, and he agreed. However, justbeing a double agent was not enough for him, he wanted to bea triple-agent!The CIA had been running programs to make double agents.Humam al-Balawi seemed like an ideal candidate to be a doubleagent. He was an educated man, a medical doctor. He was likelyto adapt modern moderate school of thought. Al-Balawi was sentto Afghanistan and assigned to report Al-Qaida’s activities. He didreport enough to win 100% of the CIA’s confidence. When heachieved that, he did what he always meant to do.One day, he announced that he had a very important bit aboutAyman al-Zawahiri, the current No.1 of Al-Qaida. He said that heneeded to convey the information only to superior officers, so hewas called in to the CIA command office. Since he was late andsenior CIA officials were anxiously waiting for him, nobodybothered to check him for security precautions. He went straightin. Once inside the office, he blew himself up, killing seven CIAofficers and two military officers. This was the deadliest strike onthe CIA in more than 25 years.
2. Kim Philby
- The most brilliant Soviet spy of Cold War era.
- Receiver of the Order of the British Empire.
Kim Philby is to MI6 what Aldrich Ames is to the CIA. The onlydifference is that the Kim Philby phenomenon is much bigger.Philby was the biggest mole in the West by the communist bloc.He was the pivotal figure of the famous Cambridge Five (ring ofSoviet spies).
Cambridge Five was a group of (you guessed it) five spies whobecame communists during their student years at CambridgeUniversity. All five members worked in the British Secret Services.Four of those members have been located, while the fifth one isstill a mystery.
However, one thing is certain, which is that Philby was the centralfigure of everything.Philby was hired for the secret service by none other than GuyBurgess, a Soviet double agent himself and a member of theCambridge Five. Unlike Aldrich Ames, Philby was a huge success.He was working wholeheartedly and he was doing a brilliant jobfor the British, but all this time he was also transferring informationand messages to Soviets, during WWII and during his missions inAustria, Spain, Turkey, USA, Lebanon, and of course, the UK.
For his sublime services, the government awarded him with thehighest merit, The Order of the British Empire! It took eight yearsof investigation to realize that Philby was indeed a double agent,yet still he could not be captured. He was serving on a mission inLebanon, from where he fled to Moscow and resided there as anational hero for the rest of his life.
He did not do all this for money, women or anything such. In fact,his first wife, the love of his life left him because she thought hewas sympathetic to ‘tyrant bloodsucking capitalists,’ little knowinghow loyal he was to the hammer and sickle. He did all this forsomething he believed in, communism. Perhaps it is a good thingthat he died a year before the demise of his beloved socioeconomicsystem. Otherwise, it would have broken his heart, itwould have made him feel that all his sacrifices were in vain.
3. Chapman
- A criminal, turned German agent, turned British double agent.
- Only Englishman to receive Iron Cross.
Edward A. Chapman, codename “Zigzag,” was an explosivesexpert. Yet, unlike some others in this list, he wasn’t using histalent for anything good. He was robbing jewelry shops. He wasalso a master of breaking locks.
In 1939, he was caught red handed trying to rob a nightclub.Jersey police imprisoned him in Channel Islands. He wassupposed to serve only two years in Channel Islands, but policewere making a case against him to serve another 14 years on themainland prison. However, fate had decided something else.In 1940, the Nazi army occupied Channel Islands. They did notrelease prisoners but started researching for anybody useful. Ofcourse, Chapman shined out. By the time his two yearsentence was completed, he had become a German agent. Theytook him to Paris and further trained him in explosives, radiocommunication and parachute jumping. Germans assigned himthe task to blow up de Havilland aircraft factory in Hatfield. AGerman bomber jet carried him over England and he jumped.MI5 was aware of the German plans. They were decryptingGerman coded messages, so they knew where and whenChapman would land. Soon after he landed on the ground, he washunted. During interrogation, he showed his intent to become adouble agent. MI5 believed him and decided to help him.The British authorities designed one of the most brilliant deceptionoperations of WWII – a faked sabotage of de Havilland factory. Itworked! In fact, it worked so well that even some of the workersthought their factory had been destroyed.
When Chapman returned, Germans considered him a hero, agreat hero who deserved Iron Cross, the highest civil militaryaward of German army. Chapman remains the only British personto have received it.
It was an audacious double-cross that fooled the Nazis and shortened World War II. Now a document, here published for the first time, reveals the crucial role played by Britain's code-breaking experts in the 1944 invasion of France.
- Related to Iberian peninsula somehow..,
- Alaric (484-507) va promulgar la Lex Romana Wisigothorum
- PS1; interessant que un francès (franco-provençal Jaume D'Alaric,) va ser enviat que va viure a la cort del Gran Khan mongol al 1267!! .. o no.
PS: Leed malditos en el post, lecturatodolocura.
Pedid y se os darà....
risen from modest means to become one of history’s ghostest writers?
- Ja va dir algú que Shaksper no va escriure poemes ni teatre,....
- algun altre que Marco polo no va anar allà ..
- la identitat de Columbus -aka Cristoffa Corombo ...
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