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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Wsheet 63. Animal farm session3

              Chapters  5-6                       to get started .... Chapter 5-6 Quick Quizzes

Chapter 5 Summary and Analysis

      TASK.  Watch the video and Write a Twitter message on this chapter.

Long   Q_ Chapter 5 to be discussed in groups
5.1_What evidence indicates that Mollie may not have voluntarily left the farm to live with  a new owner?
5.2_How does Napoleon use the sheep to his advantage as he takes control of the farm?
5.3_How does Napoleon change the running of the farm after Snowball's exile, and how  do his changes help secure his position as leader?
5.4_How does Squealer smooth over Napoleon's actions after the takeover of the farm?
5.5_ Why are the animals so vulnerable to the pigs' manipulation?

Second part

Chapter 6 Summary and Analysis 

     TASK.  Watch the video and Write a Twitter message on this chapter.

Long   Q_ Chapter 6 to be discussed in groups
6.1_ What evidence appears to indicate the animals are actually working harder for less  food?
6.2_ What case can be made that the decision to trade with other farms actually violates the Seven Commandments?
6.3_  After the rebellion how has the humans' relationship with the farm changed?
6.4_ How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon?
 6.5_ Why does Napoleon offer a greater reward if Snowball is captured alive?

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