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Monday, November 12, 2018

18 USA names charades - anagrams ___key


  • ________ KEY 

  • A2: CALIFORNIA …. Sacramento
  • A3: GEORGIA …...... Atlanta
  • A4:  INDIANA ...…...Indianapolis
  • A5: NEVADA …....…. Carson city
  • A6: OHIO ……........... Columbus
  • A7: MAINE …........…. Augusta
  • A8: WEST VIRGINIA ..Charleston
  •  A9: VIRGINIA  ….…. Richmond

1.-  Schools which made Law a required course do very well.
A1: DELAWARE  ……….. Dover
Schools which ma__de Law a re__quired course do ver_y well.

2.-  Don’t pani_c, Ali, for Nia__gara Falls enhances the sacrament o__f matrimony.
A2: CALIFORNIA …. Sacramento

3.- Use an insectifu_ge or gia__nt insects will destroy th__at lanta___na field
A3: GEORGIA …. Atlanta

4.-  In Diana___’s shop I saw th___in Diana polis___hing furniture
A4:  INDIANA …. Indianapolis

5.- Ca__n Eva da__nce outside with cars on city streets?
                  A5: NEVADA ……. Carson city

6.- Oh, I only saw Mexico, Lum, bus was late!
                  A6: OHIO …… Columbus

7.- The main Evil of  the Augustan age was imperialism.
                 A7: MAINE ……. Augusta

8.- You must go west, Virginia, said Charles ton___ight.
                A8: WEST VIRGINIA  …… Charleston

9.- As a virgin I a__llure the rich Mond___ays and all other days.
                A9: VIRGINIA  ……. Richmond

SET ____ Let’s get strarted with nine of them from A to Z!

1 - CALIFORNIA - It seems self-evident that the principal import of this state is AFRICAN OIL; and that at least some of its residents have revived the ancient Roman Saturnalia under the updated name of the FORNICALIA.
2 - COLORADO -Consistent with its role as a mining state, it has something of a COAL ODOR about it.
3 - FLORIDA -Secretly published maps of the state show a town  named OLDFAIR. 
4 - MAINE - The most common words are AMINE, an organic compound; and for fans of the Japanese subculture… ANIME.
 5 - MINNESOTA -Like a chameleon, this name can twist itself into many forms, the most elegant transposal being into NOMINATES. Other rearrangements include MAINSTONE; ANTINOMES, metaphysical contradictories; ANTIMESON, the antimatter counterpart of a subatomic particle;  adn my favourite MOST INANE, in its superlative.
 6 - NEW YORK - consider the word KEY-WORN: worn out by overuse of a key, said of keyholes.
 7 - OREGON -One who has interes in Botanics may consider A HOLM OAK (see Webster’s dictionary in its Third Edition) .
 8 - TENNESSEE -That special brand of common sense peculiar to teenagers is known as TEEN SENSE.
 9 - WASHINGTON -SNOW-HATING citizens are the majority of its population.

Source: DMITRI A. BORGMANN ( and Darryl H. Francis) at                                  Word Recreations: Games and Diversions from Word Ways.  by Ross Eckler  -    Dover Publications, 1979 

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