An integrated platform is available for online education in which the student is an active agent that through interaction and effort will get the expected results. This magnificent system ensures quick and easy learning of the language in record time.
Another success history…
- One of the keys, is that the system is based on the rule of 80/20, meaning that 20% of the language is used 80% of the time. For nearly five years, a team of programmers, engineers, linguists and other experts has overseen the use of Asian language in terms of two variables: frequency of use and degree of combinations of words.
- Depending on both variables it has been created an education system highly oriented to optimize the learning to talk as soon as possible with the least number of words needed, always in constant expansion.
8 Belts is so convinced of the program success that compromises to return the money if within 10 days the student does not feel comfortable with the program.
Interview with Anxo P., founder of
Some comments on him
- "I was studying at an academy in China. At one point, half of the students of the academy were using (for free) my method. All of us in the academy found that those who used the method that eventually became, ended up speaking Chinese in no time. They kept telling me, 'this is brutal. You have to patent it. You have to market it´.
- I worked up an exceptional team, and we did it. It took 4 years, at which time this prototype, which still today makes me blush has become a powerful and sophisticated software tool”.
- To create 8Belts, the entrepreneur has collaborated with other Chinese language experts as well as mathematicians, engineers and even screenwriters.
Determination, the Key to Success
- The founder of particularly stressed the need of passion underlying any successful project, "you cannot create something just for money. Your motivation should be bigger, because only then will you find the courage to continue when circumstances are not favorable” and insisted in determination as the driving force for the entrepreneur, “determination makes up for the shortcomings that you may encounter.
- According to my experience does not go far the best prepared and the ones that had the most support, but he who decides he is going to succeed, costs what it costs."
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