item # 1
As many of you know, and the BARD wrote clearly:
Life's but a walking shadow, (...) it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
(Macbeth, act V, scene V)
Somebody somehow held the position of postmaster at the University of Mississippi for almost three years despite numerous reports of his writing novels on the job, losing and occasionally throwing away mail, ignoring colleagues and customers, playing bridge during opening hours, and regularly turning up late only to leave early,...... until, in September of 1924 when he wrote this famous text:

As long as I live under the capitalistic system, I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. But I will be damned if I propose to be at the beck and call of every itinerant scoundrel who has two cents to invest in a postage stamp.
This, sir, is my resignation.
Who was he? ...................... ..........................
Clue : he wrote the Sound and the Fury) -not a bad novel...I have heard me talk so often about how it is the greatest novel ever written....And that is the incredible thing that the writer has done there. He has told us that tale.
item #2
TASK 1. Are there really that many English language teachers left who aren’t using technology nowadays?
Are there really language teachers who aren’t turning on their laptops/tablets and exploiting some of the amazing things you can find on any of your FAV FAB websites, name them:
1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6....

self-deception, bloody knives, betrayal,
honour, disgrace, disgust, thwarted ambition,
shattered hopes, wicked sting .....
Resignation may be NOT Always necessary, under these conditions:
performing tasks - showing up -
overseeing the project,
drafting reports, supervising
JVG doubted about resigning or not resigning,
- whether do it or not, kind of wishy-washy,
- being on two minds about the issue, so....
- over SIX years he couldn't bring himself to care one way or the other.
TASK 3. Read about this book below: The Last Goodbye
- Matt Potter work'd hard to collect all of them. Here’s what the press said about the hardback edition last year…
- “A hilarious history of the resignation letter… Potter examines our fascination with parting shots” (Daily Telegraph)
- “There is a poetry to the best resignations that comes from having nothing to lose” (Independent)
- “Will make you want to quit your job immediately” (Buzzfeed)
- “Just magnificent – an alternate history of our time” (Monocle)
- “A cracking read” (The Daily Politics)
- “Celebrates the art of the elegant – or explosive – resignation” (The Week)

TASK 4. You work in the company DYSTOPIA, you to follow the rite of writing your own resignation letter as qualified expert in your field. Think about what 5 topics could be included:
- ..........................................
- ........................................................
- ........................................................
- ........................................................
- ........................................................
item # 3
TASK 5. Listen to the first 70 seconds of the "Interview With An Applicant" - interview.
- Start the dialogue (70 seconds -IN PAIRS)
- Mrs. Kruthers, welcome. Come on in, have a seat.
- Of course.
- I have been looking over your resume and I have to say I am very impressed.
- Oh, thank you.
- You know, actually I think, to be honest, you are overqualified to be an accountant.
- Oh well, that's okay. I don't intend to work very hard.
- Really?
- Absolutely! In fact, I only intend to show up when I feel like it;......which is good because I've a wide variety of extremely annoying personal habits and absolutely no sense of hygiene.
- Oh! You know, then I don't feel like you're the correct person for this position.
- That's okay, I quit.
- You can't quit, you don't work here.
- Like, I would ever work here.
- Like, we would ever hire you.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah. And even if you did work here I wouldn't even give you the opportunity to quit because I would fire you.
- Well, you can't fire me because I don't work here.
- That's right! You don't, and I would can your ass so quick.
- Prove it.
item # 4
TASK 5. Read the letter below, to get some ideas. Copy 6 phrase you enjoyed from it. Remember them and write a similar version of each one.
June 25, 1918
Dear Barton:You have a man in your employ that I have thought for a long time should be fired. I refer to Sherwood Anderson. He is a fellow of a good deal of ability, but for a long time I have been convinced that his heart is not in his work.
There is no question but that this man Anderson has in some ways been an ornament to our organization. His hair, for one thing being long and mussy gives an artistic carelessness to his personal appearance that somewhat impresses such men as Frank Lloyd Wright and Mr. Curtenius of Kalamazoo when they come into the office.
But Anderson, aged 41, is not really productive. As I have said his heart is not in his work. I think he should be fired and if you will not do the job I should like permission to fire him myself. I therefore suggest that Anderson be asked to sever his connections with the Company on August 1st. He is a nice fellow. We will let him down easy but let's can him.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherwood Anderson
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