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Thursday, March 31, 2016

A crack den where my trips had a hit in the shooting gallery - As Russell Brand reported it

Russell Brand BBC documentary:

 'I took drugs every day'

crack den

a place where people go to buy and use the illegal drug crack

drug czar

an official employed by a national government to try to stop the trade in illegal drugs


an amount of a drug that someone feels they need to take regularly


feeling produced by drugs or alcohol


the effect that an illegal drug has on someone who uses it


pipe for smoking tobacco or drugs that has a    long tube and pulls the smoke through    small container of water


 a cigarette that contains cannabis


 someone who is paid to bring illegal drugs into a country by hiding them on or in their body


 a strong feeling of pleasure that people get after taking some types of drugs

shooting gallery

mainly american
 a place where people use illegal drugs by injecting them


very informal
 a cigarette made with cannabis (=an illegal drug)


 an act of breathing in smoke from a cigarette or pipe containing cannabis


marks left by a needle on the skin of someone who uses illegal drugs


very informal
 a strange experience that someone has because they have taken a powerful illegal drug


a period during which someone feels ill because they have stopped taking a drug or other substance that they are addicted to


1. Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal? What about illegal ones that should be legal?

2. Do you consider alcohol a drug?

3. Should doctors be allowed to prescribe marijuana (grass/pot)? If so, to whom and for what reasons?

4. Do you think men are more likely to use illegal drugs than women? Why or why not? What about legal ones?

5. What should happen to a person who is caught using illegal drugs? What about selling them?

6. Why do you think so many famous people take drugs?

7. Can a person become addicted to prescription drugs? Which ones? Are there any illegal drugs that a person can't become addicted to?
10 August 2012


“I could have passed on to her the solution that was freely given to me. Don’t pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple. It actually is simple but it isn’t easy: it requires incredible support and fastidious structuring. Not to mention that the whole infrastructure of abstinence based recovery is shrouded in necessary secrecy. There are support fellowships that are easy to find and open to anyone who needs them but they eschew promotion of any kind in order to preserve the purity of their purpose, which is for people with alcoholism and addiction to help one another stay clean and sober. Without these fellowships I would take drugs. Because, even now, the condition persists. Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution. If this seems odd to you it is because you are not an alcoholic or a drug addict. You are likely one of the 90% of people who can drink and use drugs safely. I have friends who can smoke weed, swill gin, even do crack and then merrily get on with their lives. For me, this is not an option. I will relinquish all else to ride that buzz to oblivion.” 

- See more at: 
Read Russell Brand’s recent editorial in the Guardian here: Russell Brand: My life without drugs
Russell Brand will be performing in Coral Springs, Florida on Sunday, September 22 2013 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts.

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