Not all roads lead to Rome, some end in Manresa. I am writing to You. You keep on reading. 유. We can imagine that having seen your book translated you are satisfied with the two copies you recieve. 유.
But the Korean-language translation published by Prunsoop ended with three pages of text the author and columnist hadn't written. Getting obsessed with finding out what does this epilogue said, the journey took me to these weird places:
1) to the kitchens of two Korean restaurants, whose names are omitted because it turned out they were Chinese.
2) Later, in a literary speech award in Lleida, the writer explained a sheer perplexity at this Korean enigma and the current President of the Parliament, Ernest Benach, handed the phone of a famous Korean whose name is also omitted.
3) Odd enough, the novelist was told to send him one of his two copies and ....
4) to never hear from the famous Korean above mentioned.
5) Finally, in the book club library in Sant Fruitós Bages one of the attendees, until then a stranger to the scribe gave the pages to be translated to a Korean family in Manresa.The gentle reader is called Rosa Camprubí and days went by. She has just sent today the translation of the three enigmatic pages, after a journey, remarkable and bizarre indeed. Read the second half of the ordeal.
6) three scanned paper which Rosa received via the local librarian, Conxita Fenoy.
7) With the pages, Rosa gets in contact with Mr. Hong, a teacher of taekwondo and director of a center of Oriental medicine in Manresa;
8) when Mr. Hong understood what was required there; he told her to not worry as he would hand them to his son, 23, who attends medicine in Barcelona;
9) Mr. Hong's son reached Yumi Kim Im, a Korean translator;
10) Yumi rang Rosa and, in a perfect Catalan, told her that for a person who has not studied in Korean, the task is very difficult to translate, but she would give it a try.
11) in a couple of days the well-known writer (AKA in this text as author, novelist, scribe, columnist adn wordsmith), Marius his name, got the text translated. I told you you may know about him.
(...) La traducción en lengua coreana publicada por la editorial Prunsoop acaba con tres páginas de texto que nunca escribí. Mi obsesión por descubrir qué dice este epílogo me llevó a las cocinas de dos restaurantes coreanos, cuyos nombres omito porque luego resultó que eran chinos. En Lleida, en mi discurso de agradecimiento por el premio Aspid, expliqué mi perplejidad ante el enigma coreano y el entonces presidente del Parlament, Ernest Benach, me pasó el teléfono de un ilustre coreano cuyo nombre también omito. Me dijo que le enviase uno de mis dos ejemplares y nunca he vuelto a saber nada de él. Por fin, en el club de lectura de la biblioteca de Sant Fruitós de Bages una de las asistentes se brindó a pedirle la traducción a una familia coreana de Manresa.
To read a lovely entry on the personal addition from the translator, read Lost in translation at web, click here. 유. More kick-and-run steps than in a Barça football match.
Finalmente las tres páginas al final de la 'Quiet' al coreano
La gentil lectora se llama Rosa Camprubí y me acaba de enviar la traducción de las tres enigmáticas páginas, tras un periplo notable: las tres hojas escaneadas le llegan a través de la bibliotecaria, Conxita Fenoy; Rosa los lleva al señor Hong, maestro de taekwondo y director de un centro de medicina oriental en Manresa; cuando el señor Hong entiende qué le pide, le dice que se los dará a su hijo de 23 años, que cursa Medicina en Barcelona; el hijo del señor Hong contacta con Yumi Kim Im, traductora del coreano; Yumi llama a Rosa y, en un catalán perfecto, le cuenta que para una persona que no ha estudiado en coreano resulta muy difícil traducirlo, pero que ella se presta: en un par de días recibo la traducción del texto (gracias, Yumi).