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difficult to do: hard, tough, challenging, dauntingdifficult and needing a lot of physical effort: tough, strenuous, back-breaking, gruelling, arduous, punishingdifficult to deal with or talk about: tricky, awkward, delicate,sensitive, touchywords for describing a difficult person: awkward, tryingwords for describing difficult conditions: adverse, hostile
hard and not bending: solid, firm, stiff, rigidmeat that is too hard: toughskin that is old and hard: leathery, callousedhard and easily broken: brittle
person: tough, muscular, wiry, powerfulthing: tough, sturdy, durable, rugged, heavy-duty, indestructible,well-made, robustcountry/organization: powerful, mighty, influential, dominantstrong
the 11 semantic contexts of TOUGH
tough comparative tougher, superlative toughest
difficult to do or deal with :
It was a tough race.
She' s had a tough life.
The company admitted that it had been a tough year.
Tough decisions will have to be made.
(=a difficult decision) (=difficult to read) (=something that is difficult to persuade someone about)
have a tough time (of it) (=face a lot of difficult problems)
The family has had a tough time of it these last few months.
it's tough doing something
It's tough being married to a cop.
be tough on somebody (=cause problems for someone or make their life difficult)
Having to stay indoors all day is tough on a kid.
when the going gets tough (the tough get going) informal (=used to say that when a situation becomes difficult, strong people take the necessary action to deal with it)
physically or emotionally strong and able to deal with difficult situations :
The men who work on the oil rigs are a tough bunch.
strong person
tough cookie/customer informal (=someone who is very determined to do what they want and not what other people want)
as tough as nails/as tough as old boots (=very tough)
He's as tough as nails - a good man to have on the team.
not easily broken or made weaker :
tough, durable plastic
a very tough, hard-wearing cloth
strong material
very strict or firm
a tough part of a town has a lot of crime or violence
violent area
tough neighborhood/area/part of town etc
a tough area of Chicago
used when you do not have any sympathy with someone :
'I'm getting wet.' 'Tough! You should've brought your umbrella.'
She didn't tell us she was coming, so if this screws up her plans that's just tough.
tough!/that's tough!
tough luck!
a) used when you do not have any sympathy for someone's problems :
Well, that's just their tough luck! It was their mistake.
b) British English used when you feel sympathy about something bad that has happened to someone :
You didn't get the job? Oh, tough luck!
likely to behave violently and having no gentle qualities :
tough young thugs looking for trouble
violent person
difficult to cut or eat [≠ tender]:
The meat was tough and hard to chew.
the tough outer leaves of the cabbage
a way of helping someone to change their behaviour by treating them in a kind but strict way
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