"Now, like toothless babies, they suckle on the sugary teat of misinformation and poop it into the diaper we call the six o'clock news"Kent Brockman, TV newsreader, The Simpsons
I couldn't find the video. Somebody wrote:
"This is GREAT STUFF! No wonder Youtube has censored it."
Do not miss the blunt Hans Rosling, our Swedish celebrity statistician, who has urged the 'arrogant' media to see the big picture in a feisty clash on Danish television.
'You can't trust the media'
When challenged for the source of his facts, Rosling replied:Send the video to your friends!!!
"Statistics from The International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, nothing controversial. (...) I am right, and you are wrong,"
In Flat Earth News, award-winning journalist Nick Davies takes the lid off newspapers and broadcasters, exposing the mechanics of falsehood, distortion and propaganda; naming names and telling the stories behind stories. This website is intended to be a focal point for exposing past, current and future media abuse.
Journalists, and anyone else with direct knowledge of media malpractice, are invited to blog about examples of media falsehood and distortion; PR tactics and propaganda; and the use of illegal news-gathering techniques. All visitors are invited to make comments on these blog posts.
Which news articles are not researched by journalists, but are simply based closely on press releases? Chris Atkins investigates the murky process of churnalism
When press releases masquerade as news stories
Journalists, and anyone else with direct knowledge of media malpractice, are invited to blog about examples of media falsehood and distortion; PR tactics and propaganda; and the use of illegal news-gathering techniques. All visitors are invited to make comments on these blog posts.
Nick Davies on Churnalism
This section contains background writing and documents revealing the impact on public debate and government policy of falsehood, distortion and propaganda in the news media. Each of the topics below expands on points made in Flat Earth News.
The following five articles by Nick Davies attempt to dig into the underlying assumptions which inform government education policy and link to the consistent way in which Flat Earth News distorts policy. These articles relate to a reference on page 40 of the book.
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