...............(adj) ............. amounts of ...............(adj) ............. paperwork, ...............(adj) ............. to complete and ...............(adv) ............. pointless in nature.
Life with RENFE - ffcc administration
T-10 zones
I am a foreign student from China, T. W.,
at 1st course at UAB -20 years old who bought this week a card 5 zones, the 17 November.I paid 285.50 eurosIt lasts till 21 February 2015.
Today I learnt -to my surprise- that I need to go from zone 6 to zone 1,so I made a mistake and to my surpriseI got the wrong card.I really need the T-Jove 6 zones, which price is 305.50.
my request is :there may be a way to help my budget expenses,as i can not buy another NEW card this term,very large money.can it be a quick answer and this week, please, Where could i go to exchange my 5-zone card for a 6-zone card paying the extra price of 20 euros and keeping the expiration date of 21 February? I use a friend mail to get the info, he would translate for me.
Mr. Juan L. I. thank you in advance.
you may answer in English please, so I can understand.
excessive formality and
routine required
before official action
can be taken.
(automatic reply)
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Your applicationhas been received successfully.You can check the status by using the code: P4N7SC431-1Reception date: 22/11/2014Click on this address to see the information:CLICK HERE .
best regards,
Reception date: 22/11/2014
We will send to your home a document "Authorization for delivery of the Entitled Transport", which can be redeemed at any service station ticket offices, on presentation of the NIE or passport, a ticket with identical characteristics to the current one and to the 6-zone one and valid for the period unused, upon payment of the difference in fares.
Dear Sr .:
Let me tell you the general terms of use of rail regional services of Catalunya, authorized by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability, require that for any change or cancellation, the transport documents have not being used and must be within its validity period.
As a commercial attention and in an exceptional way, you are allowed to send it to the address below indicated, that is, the ticket which can not be used.
In order to provide you with the afore-mentioned document, it shall include:
- name,
- NIE or passport number and
- shipping address that document.
Likewise it should reference the ID number of the person
who dealt with this management.
Address Rodalies de Catalunya
Commercial Department - CQS
Barcelona Sants Estació
Plaça Països Catalans s.n.
08014 Barcelona
best regards,
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