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Monday, December 8, 2014

Changes -Let's liven up bilingual lifestyles for our lively teachers -keep it up (and alive)

Today's entry somehow pretends to draw a portrait of a teacher considered  “not so well-performing” in our Valencian English classroom.
Take it with a pinch of salt and draw your conclussions.
We'll go thru some of the most common in-class features, or failures, in terms of teaching practice, and which are particularly applicable in our context.

Let's liven up bilingual lifestyles with our lively teachers
   -keep it up (and alive  - source: Nov 2010)

How much truth can you find in it? Is the transcript as good as it gets?

  1.     How realistic is this description of class life? 
  2.     What chunks of the transcript 
  3.     Where do you find it unbelievable?
  4.     As the stereotype goes, How many times does the teacher say: please, hush! keep silent! don't be noisy?  Are they silent all the way?
  5.     Acceptable CLT? (Communicative Language teaching)
  6.     TTT? (T's Talking Time) / TDT? T's Doing Time)
  7.     How much English was NOT understood?
  8.     How better/worse can it get?

We can envisage a classroom with 26 pupils of ESO (11-y-o). 
Today is Thursday, at the 3rd hour. You are their English teacher.
Take it as a would-be classroom in your town.

Names represent anyone, but it is based on reals individuals.
Let their ignorance not be shared!
Characters:   Teacher + 15 students:Amanda + Luis + Joan + Fran + JessiKa + Joel + Federico + Yolanda +Jesús + Ricardo + Nieves +Arturo + Marisol + Pep + Alfonso + María

(11:10)Teacher: G'morning boys and girls, Let's start with the vocabulary related to food. Unit 5, page 34. I'm going to write 5 headings/ 5 categories on the board
(I write them FOOD in big red letters, and then
liquids, vegetables, fruits, deserts, meat).
Write down as many words as you know.
Amanda: ¿En inglés?
T: Yes, better than in German, in English, please. Luis. Profe, ¿How many categories? 
T: FIVE. How many can you see on the whiteboard? Luis: A mi no me caben. 
T: Maybe, you can put the paper across, on the other way... "apaisada", you say. D'you understand? 
Luis: ¿què significa apaisada? 
T: Horizontal, like that, you see: I mean this way (I show the position of the paper) 
Joan: ¿What title ... ponemos? 
T: Why not “Food”, it's on the board. 
Fran: ¿can I do it a lápiz? 
T: You cannot, Fran. We said that in our notebooks we use the pen, not the pencil, remember?(11:18) 
Jessika:¿Cóm es diu pepino? 
T: it's better we start with the vocabulary YOU understand. Not the one I know. Let's start, Jessi. 
Joel: ¿El huevo es una verdura? 
T: No, I would say it's NOT a vegetable, right? Federico: ¿And what title ponemos? 
T: did I say Food already twice. Copy the title, the RED letters. 
Amanda: Tengo una duda ¿Se puede poner “rechicken”? 
Yolanda: No, You mean 'repollo',  it's a different word in English (rialles generalitzada) 
T: Thanx Yolanda.
Nieves : ¿Cómo se dice calamar? 
T: I said the words you already know. Do not ask me in the next 3 minutes. Write something. Do it now. 
Jesús : ¿Hi ha que fer-lo al quadern? 
T: Better! We don't want to clean the table after we finish the class, Jesús. ... 
Ricardo: Profe, ¿Pero, qué hay que hacer? 
T: ¿But can you tell me how many of you didn't wash your ears this morning? 
Nieves : ¿Puedo poner zumo en la categoría de postres? 
T: What about if you write it under the category of "Liquids". 
Fran: ¿Puedo poner pollo en la categoría de postres?   
T: Not in this continent, I guess. 
   ............................ (11:25) .... 
T: right. Time is up. The three minutes are gone. Ready to tell me your words? Let's go. Would you raise your hand, put it up, and you read out your words?; I will copy them under the headings, is that clear? How many vegetables have you got?

(10  pupils raise their hands and 
start shouting their contributions)
  • Brócoli!
  • Salad!
  • Carrots!
  • Pepination!
  • Eggs!
T: No, I think, didn't I?, I've just said eggs are NOT vegetables, ok? (big sigh) Y POR favor, levantad  la mano Y-ESPERAD a que yo os nombre para decir la palabra porque-no-tengo 10 orejas para entenderos a todos al mismo tiempo. Let's go, then. ¡Arturo, no le pases notitas a María ..... que se las leo al resto de la clase!
Arturo: ¿con cual empezamos?
T: With vegetables, please. Can you start, Marisol?
Marisol: Why me? Es que se m'ha olvidat el quadern a casa.
T: 15 minutes gone, and you just discovered you have no notebook! What have you done in these 15 minutes, little creature? Anybody, any volunteer, will you Pep? Alfonso?
Pep: qui, jo?
T: You are our only and unique Pep in class, so it must be you, right?
Pep: OK... Oranges.
T: Vegetables, remember? Green things. So, your oranges should go under fruits, please.
Alfonso: Teacher, el otro día oí un chiste verde, Can I tell it?
T: Although  there are 'verdures de per mig', no, no you can NOT. María: ¿Esto cae the exam?
T: Bueno, with a bit of luck I may be recuperándome de esta clase en un sanatorio mental, y entonces no habrá examen.
Todos: Super!
Arturo: ¿con cual empezamos?
T: With vegetables, please. Can you start, Marisol? Marisol: Why? Es que se m'ha olvidat el quadern a casa.
T: 15 minutes, and you just discovered you have no notebook! What have you done in these 15 minutes, little creature? Anybody, any volunteer, will you Pep? Pep: qui, jo?
T: You are our only and unique Pep in class, so it must be you, right? Pep: Oranges.
T: Vegetables, remember? Green things. So, your oranges should go under fruits, please. Alfonso: Teacher, el otro día oí un chiste verde, Can I tell it?
T: Although  there are 'verdures de per mig', no, no you can NOT. María: ¿Esto cae the exam?
T: Bueno, with a bit of luck I may be recuperándome de esta clase en un sanatorio mental, y entonces no habrá examen. Todos: Super!

Rounding off. 

Paraphrasing Huxley's quote:
"A Teaching Experience is not what happens to any teacher; it is what these teachers do with what happens to them"

A pang of nostalgia? How different were your English classes? 
Write comments with your own version.

Narrative based on a well-know joke on English teachers.

--> Luke Prodromou’s “How to be a boring teacher” (,     

Let students do nothing
Teach the book
Be right all the time
Assume students know nothing
Sit still
Be predictable
Speak in a monotone
Make sure students are idle
Lose your students
Keep talking

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." — Aldous Huxley (Texts and Pretexts)

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