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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Snug -language work -week 1- Laia bacardit


Laia bacardit on SNUG - Language Notes:


CATEGORY ONE .   On the topic of people’s

- 1.1.  Nounsnegative connotations

Fully fledged bovver boys: British Terms troublemaking or rowdiness by street gang youths.

Jerk of the knob: someone who is not useful, stupid, useless.

“Stray of youth” any homeless person or animal.

Slurs. to insult: to slur someone's reputation.

‘City slicker’ a person who cheats another; swindler.


- 1.2.  adjectives   -    Personality

Spastic [Slang.] clumsy or stupid

Nincompoop: a fool or stupid person; a simpleton. Synonyms: dunderhead,  imbecile, nitwit


- 1.3.  adjectives   -    Description

Spastic [Slang.] clumsy or stupid

Foolhardy: recklessly or thoughtlessly bold; foolishly rash or venturesome.


CATEGORY  TWO   .    On the topic of RACISM leanings

Nig-nogs: British modern slang, disparaging + offensive a black person  (nigger, repeating first syllable)

piccaninny : neutral meaning: babies’ of Caribbean /the West Indies

  • In contrast to this the word has been used in North America as a  racial slur referring to a dark-skinned child of African descent.  ( seen the word in books I used to read about slavery)


Derogative adjectives

Grockles-  colloquial :a holidaymaker, especially one visiting a resort in Devon or Cornwall. (sort of  pixapins)


CATEGORY  THREE. mouth related - narrator's voice

Ways of speaking / laughing ....  

3.1.  Laugh

They smirked behind the teacher's back. to smile in an offensively self-satisfied way:

by chuckles (by soft quiet laughter.)

Giggled: to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way, as from nervous embarrassment.

3.2. Speak

Lilt-rhythmic rising or falling in the voice cadence.

Slur- to pronounce (a syllable, word, etc.) unclearly by combining, reducing, or leaving out 

sounds, as in hurried or careless speaking

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