In any field of
scientific ...........................,
anything that can go wrong, will.
part 1____ 2 - 11
2. If the possibility exists of several things going wrong,
the one that will go wrong is the one that will do the most ........................
3. Everything will go wrong at one time. 3.1 That time is always when you ........................ expect it.
4. If nothing can go wrong, ........................ will.
5. Nothing is as ........................ as it looks.
6. Everything takes ........................ than you think.
7. Left to ........................, things always go from bad to worse.
8. Nature always sides with the ........................ flaw.
9. Given the most ........................ time for something to go wrong,
that's when it will occur.
10. Mother Nature is a bitch.
10.1 The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively
........................to it.
11. If everything seems to be going well,
you have obviously ........................ something
part 2____ 12-18
12. If in any problem you find yourself doing an immense amountof work, the ........................ can be obtained by simple inspection.13. Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can befound to make it ........................ and wonderful.14. If it doesn't fit, use a ........................ hammer.15. In an instrument or device characterized by a number ofplus-or-minus errors, the total error will be the ........................of all the errors adding in the same direction.16. In any given calculation, the fault will never be placed ifmore than one person is involved.
16.1 In any given discovery, the ........................ will never beproperly placed if more than one person is involved.17. All warranty and guarantee clauses become ........................upon payment of the final invoice.18. Murphy's Law:"If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of thoseways can result in a ........................, then someone will do it."
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