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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

monologue - so much time had gone by.


RECORD the piece about   
Time is fleeing away from us

from Dani Rovira's monologue (2016)
 "Do you want to go out with me?"  

  •  un trocito de un monológo "¿Quiéres salir conmigo?" de Dani Rovira que me gusta especialmente.


TIP    :       make 9 different tracks to see your progress 
  • as u move from passage 1 to passage 4.
  • The go faster at the lst 4 passages

Q1) Has it ever happened to you that when we were little we saw the other kids at school cole as very big? And how we still had a long way to go, right?
And when you didn’t expected it, pam! you were one of them. And you didn't have the feeling of being that big, right? It didn't seem like so much time had gone by. 

P2) The same thing happened to me with the kids from the university. i said: Cool, now the university is taking charge of their lives ... with the careers they like so much, with their own cars ...And when you least expected it, pam! you were already one of them. .. and you didn't have the feeling of being in charge of your life, right?And many times you studied a degree that you did not like, right? Uff, and the car was not yours. 

P3) And then I saw the age of  the 30s as ... ufff, a super distant age ... and when I will turn frightful 30 I would become a responsible, mature person, with my own family, ...Pam, and look. And I think the same of the 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, one hundred. And this goes like this. Time is never at a rest.Time waits for no one, the only consolation that we have left is that time is the same for everyone ... A shitty consolation, but well ... A consolation "  

P4) "A long time ago I read one of Ramón Gómez de la Serna's wonderful greguerías, and from here I recommend you read them, because they are great,… I read one that ever since  has been recorded here and I cannot take it off (from my head), it goes as this: when we look out into the abyss of old age, a child always comes and pushes us from behind ... "F +++ off

P5) "Time ... Time ... I think time is the most contradictory concept that has been created in humanity ... And, if not, listen to this: time has always existed, right? Always, There has been time all days, the time has always been there, but, curious as it is, for the vast majority of things, there is no time.

Q6) Personally, I would love to be able to read all the books that have been written, all! from the first to the last, but it is not possible, it is impossible ... because there is no time. "

Q7) I would love to be able to see all the films that have been shot, all of them, from the best to the worst, all, but it is impossible ... it cannot be done, because there is no time. "

Q8) I would love to travel to all the countries of the world, I would love to  speak as many languages ​​as possible, I would love to practice all sports, even have a coffee with all the people I have loved, with all the people I love, and with the many people who surely I will,…
but it cannot, because there is no time…. there is no time ".

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